Halloween has come and gone and the weather stayed just perfect for our little trick-or-treater this year. We started at the park where children gathered for a spooky scavenger hunt...
and then to our high school for their first annual 'safe trick-or-treating' event run by the students themselves...
then onto grandma's for a little candy rustling in the old neighborhood...
we met up with some friends...
and then called it a night.
I'm sorry, but Autumn is the laziest trick-or-treater I know! She wanted me to ring the door bells, say trick-or-treat and even hold her candy when her bucket got too full!!! I did hold her bucket but that was all. When I was her age I walked for miles for candy, I always ate most of my candy that night and I never wanted to go in until it was so dark I had to. My daughter didn't even stop at every house, she just wanted to go to the ones that has nice decorations outside. Can you believe that she has only eaten 2 bags of mini M&M's since yesterday?! What's wrong with this kid? lol
I have a candy collector for a daughter, not a candy eater. I must say she really doesn't have the taste for candy, mostly chocolate M&M's...and that's about it.
So now what to do with the candy?....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I hope your day was spooky and fun!
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