It's finally here, 2009! Now for the resolutions... Or should I say, here is the list of things I would like to do in 2009.
#1 I resolve to eat less and exercise more (sounds familiar, oh yeah that was last year's resolution!)
#2 Spend more time with my husband and daughter doing fun things outdoors.
#3 Less clutter!
#4 Out with the new and in with the old! I'm on the search for antique kitchen gadgets.
#5 Create at least one great project each month and post them on my blog!
#6 Read more, play more piano, pick up the violin again.
#7 Create another plot in the yard just for pumpkins and gourds, to be my "Harvest Garden".
#8 Get Autumn to bed earlier and spend more time with my loving husband! ;)
#9 Plant more perennials and flowering shrubs.
#10 Go back to school and work toward obtaining certification in preschool education!
#11 Learn more sign language with Autumn!
Wish me luck!