Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Random thoughts from the weekend.

I had such a beautiful weekend with my family in the mountains. We baked pies, stitched, hiked, sang, antiqued, visited a local winery and so much more. I love spending time with my family. I am blessed to be able to say that.

Autumn is very lucky to be able to say that she has a beautiful great grandmother too. You would love her as much as I do if you ever met her. She is into everything that I am and she is the best quilter I know. I love spending time with her and talking, or going somewhere together and just spending time alone. I took her to a local nursery the other day and I took some photos of her there. It was such a lovely time.

Unfortunately the colors were a little past peak in the mountains but I really had a great time hiking in the woods with my 5 year old daughter, which I had on piggy back almost the whole way down...

Being away from home for a few days really gave me a chance to reflect back onto my own busy life. I am a homemaker these days and I find time to do a lot of volunteering. I think it is really important for people of all ages to get involved in their communities. I volunteer at my church and at my daughters school. I really enjoy it and hope that I can carry on for as long as I can. Thank you God for giving me such a wonderful family and for keeping us all in your loving care.
God Bless you all,

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